Our committees focus on the mission and vision of Immanuel Lutheran Church. Here are brief descriptions of the committees. Please contact the church office for more information.

Quadrant Liaisons
Building Faith: Cheryl Graham
Vital Support: Bob Ellston and John Gregson
Ambassadors of Christ: Gary Barber
Hearth and Home: Maria Mackey
Building Faith
- Worship and Music: Plans for our worship services. This committee takes care of the many tasks that culminate in meaningful worship services at Immanuel, including music and hymns.
- Faith Formation: Committed to the ministry of teaching all members and friends about Jesus’ love. The ministries include Baby Spirit, Sunday School, First Communion, Confirmation, Youth Group, and Adult Education.
- Stewardship: Conducts the annual commitment appeal in a way that also educates our members on the management of their God-given gifts.
- Spiritual Direction: Available by appointment. Please contact the office for more information.
Ambassadors of Christ
- Social Ministry: Raises the awareness of our members to those in need locally and worldwide. Ensures there are outreach and volunteer opportunities for members to respond to God’s call to serve those less fortunate. Ministries include: Bread Brigade, Food ‘N Friends, Crafters’ Circle, and more.
- Evangelism: Leads all members of the congregation in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are all witnesses in our daily lives to the love God has shown us.
Hearth and Home
- Hospitality: To extend greetings, renew the spirit and encourage the fulfilling experience of being a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church. They strive to welcome visitors in a gentle and giving way. They reach out to those who would like a gentle hand, and offer themselves as gifts of God, to encourage healing and renewal to our congregation.
- Membership: Coordinates the process of becoming a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church with personal connection, and organizes the New Member Recognition.
- WELCA: Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, a community of women where fellowship, friendship, study, service, and advocacy are nurtured.
Vital Support
- Mutual Ministry: Provides support for the pastor, other paid staff, lay leaders and the congregation.
- Finance: Supervises all income and expenditures. They also prepare the annual budget of the congregation.
- Furnishing and Decorating: Education wing. Temporary committee.
- Property: Sees to the maintenance and protection of all church properties. This group of members keeps our church building in top condition.
- Archives: Maintains Immanuel’s historical documents.
- Communications: Provides support of our ministries through written publications (print and online) to members and friends of our congregation.