To receive First Communion, children in first grade attend four special classes during the Sunday School hour with teacher Colleen Pearson. Classes each year are held in the winter and spring to prepare for First Communion following Easter.
Exact dates are to be determined. The classes use the curriculum “A Place For You,” which includes talking about the Bible stories of Jesus and His love and care for all people. There is a place for you in these stories, you are there among the people, listening to Jesus. There is a place for you with Jesus, as he shares meals with people in their homes. You are there as Jesus eats his last meal, with His friends, the disciples. You are there as you learn about the meal with Jesus at His table, the altar, where you share Jesus’ love for you in a special meal with your friends and family of Immanuel. You always have a place with Jesus. Come and find your place!
To enroll your child in classes speak with Rachel Stuen or Colleen Pearson.