Our congregation has grown from a small group of families from Sweden over 100 years ago to a congregation of nearly 200 baptized members. The programs at Immanuel have grown to meet the needs of contemporary life, but never forgetting that the Gospel is still the story of Jesus and His love for us. We are delighted to welcome you to our church.
Immanuel Lutheran Church is a community of welcome in Christ. That welcome offers a place of safety and assurance for all, free of violence or contempt, bigotry or judgement. In the hospitality of the Gospel, Immanuel is a “Reconciling in Christ”congregation making explicit that this welcome invites gay and lesbian persons into membership and the full sacramental and general life of this congregation.
Vision Statement: Immanuel will provide opportunities for all people to experience God’s grace and love.
Mission Statement: Immanuel is an all-welcoming community. We are a sanctuary of worship and faith, learning and sharing the Gospel of Christ, and serving all through the Grace of God.
Immanuel Lutheran Church is a member of New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).
God’s Purpose for the New England Synod:
- to go where love leads
- to serve where love calls
Guiding Principles for the New England Synod:
- pray always
- give of ourselves
- stand with others
- embrace change and diversity
- make room for joy