In order to strengthen our ministries and enhance our ability to serve the needs of the community, Immanuel has launched a capital campaign with the theme, “Building on Faith to Grow, Love and Serve”
The goal of this campaign is to upgrade the aging bathrooms and classrooms and make the building more energy efficient, safe, and welcoming for all to use. Our goals are to:
• Renovate the classrooms and office wing,
• Replace heating, ventilation, electrical and lighting systems to code,
• Create handicapped accessible restrooms,
• Install air conditioning in the classrooms and offices.
If you would like to be part of this renewal project and help us meet the challenge of restoring and upgrading our facility, there are envelopes in the pew racks for much appreciated, tax-deductible contributions or you may send a check directly to the church designating that it is for the capital campaign.